10 Surprising Things People Learned When Traveling to a New Country

Embarking on a trip to a new country is like unlocking a treasure trove of mind-blowing experiences. Everywhere you turn, there’s something fresh and exciting to discover. Whether immersing yourself in a new culture or stumbling upon unexpected delights, each destination is packed with unique surprises. The adventure never ends! On an online platform, people have been swapping stories about the most surprising things they’ve learned while traveling to a new country.

1. South Korea

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Living in South Korea for three years was a revelation for one traveler who learned an unexpected lesson in trust. The traveler was amazed to find out that they could leave their phone, wallet, or keys on an unattended table in a busy bar without worrying about it being stolen. It starkly contrasted their experiences in the US, where even a moment of carelessness could result in theft. This new level of trust was truly eye-opening for the traveler.

2. New York

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New York greeted one user with an unwelcoming greeting from a local homeless person. However, the towering buildings and the hustle and bustle of the streets soon caught their fascination. Despite the rough start, the user was enthralled by the city’s energy and couldn’t help but be drawn into its allure.

3. Cairo, Egypt

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One traveler had a hair-raising experience in Cairo as they navigated through the city’s chaotic traffic with the skill of a seasoned rally driver. With a manual transmission car, frequent use of the horn, and a cup of tea in hand, the traveler gave a shoutout to their skilled taxi driver, who made the experience possible. It was a heart-pumping adventure that left them feeling alive and exhilarated.

4. Morocco

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Morocco surprised one traveler with its culture of eye contact and observation. Unlike in England, where prolonged stares are often seen as uncomfortable and unwelcome, in Morocco, people would make frequent eye contact and watch each other without any issue. The traveler noted that even describing it as “watching” might not fully capture the level of comfort and ease in the situation.

5. Prague, Czech Republic

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Prague pleasantly surprised another individual with its polite behavior. Whenever the user opened their camera in the street, people would automatically move aside to avoid obstructing their view. It was like having a force field around them, making capturing the city’s beauty much easier. The intelligent behavior of the people in Prague made the user feel welcomed and appreciated.

6. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

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A traveler exploring Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, was blown away by a city that seemed to glow like a sterile Las Vegas made entirely of white marble. Everything was covered in this lustrous material, from the buildings and streets to the airport. The traveler was further astonished to learn that Turkmenistan had no white marble and had to import it from Italy.

7. Thailand

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A daring traveler went to see a movie in Thailand, and something unexpected happened. When the national anthem played, the entire audience rose to their feet to show respect and reverence for the king. How amazing is that?! This incredible display of honor really showcased Thailand’s rich cultural values and traditions and left the traveler completely floored.

8. United States 

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One intrepid explorer who ventured into the southern United States had their mind blown when they discovered that owning a car isn’t just a nice-to-have but an absolute must-have for getting around, even in major cities! They were gobsmacked by how much people rely on their wheels and how scarce public transportation can be. It’s like a different lifestyle and infrastructure compared to other parts of the world!

9. Singapore

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Upon arriving in Singapore, one user was immediately struck by the city’s pristine cleanliness. Everything was immaculate, from the airport to the public toilets, leaving the traveler in awe. Even exploring the city on foot, they were amazed to find that their shoes had almost no dirt on the soles when they returned to their hotel. The attention to cleanliness in Singapore was truly impressive.

10. Italy

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Visiting the ancient cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii in Italy left one user with a lasting impression of the country’s daily life and cultural norms. While wandering the streets of Herculaneum, they observed something unexpected: as soon as 5:00 PM hit, the quiet streets suddenly came to life with people strolling, chatting, and enjoying snacks and drinks. This unique experience of watching the town come alive in the evening gave the traveler a glimpse into the vibrant and relaxed lifestyle of the Italian people.

This originally appeared on Max My Money.

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This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

Source: Reddit

Source: https://maxmymoney.org/surprising-things-people-learned-when-traveling-to-a-new-country/

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