
  • 10 Celebrities That Are Waiters’ Worst Nightmare

    Get ready to dish the dirt on the most high-maintenance celebs out there! From stingy tippers to diva-like demands, some famous folk can be a real pain in the neck for waitstaff. Recently in a discussion, people have shared some of the most notoriously difficult celebrities to wait on. Read on to discover their demanding and sometimes rude behavior while dining out.

    1. James Corden

    Once a sought-after patron of the Balthazar, James Corden’s latest visit to the esteemed restaurant was a disaster. In a rage, the once-lovable comedian berated the restaurant staff over minor culinary blunders, leading to his banishment from the premises. Keith McNally, the restaurant owner, didn’t mince his words when he took to Twitter, branding Corden a “tiny Cretin of a man” and revealing that it wasn’t his first time acting unpleasantly towards the staff. Later, Corden tried to smooth things over with an apology call, but many speculate that it was just an attempt to save face rather than a genuine effort to make amends.

    2. Gwyneth Paltrow

    One of Gwyneth Paltrow’s serving staff has alleged that the actress displayed entitled behavior by snubbing the waitstaff and communicating solely with her assistant, much to their chagrin.

    Related: 10 Black and White Movies All Millennials Need to See Once

    3. Khloe Kardashian

    Multiple servers with the unfortunate task of waiting on Khloe Kardashian have labeled her as an arrogant and exacting customer. They claim she was “extremely rude and demanding,” while another describes her as “a pain in the ass” who refused to tip and brushed her arm with a napkin when the server accidentally grazed it.

    4. Drake

    Despite his jaw-dropping net worth of $260 million, Drake has faced allegations of being parsimonious when settling his dues. However, an individual claims that Drake argued with the restaurant’s general manager over a room fee for keeping the restaurant open four hours after closing and paid the full amount with no tip.

    5. Jennifer Lopez

    Jennifer Lopez is a multi-talented celebrity who has succeeded in music, film, and television. However, her reputation among service industry workers could be more glamorous. Multiple sources have reported that J-Lo is a terrible tipper, and one incident even suggests that she took back a $100 tip offered by her then-fiancé, Ben Affleck.

    To make matters worse, some have described J-Lo as a model of self-important pomposity. According to several Redditors, the celebrity can be nasty and rude to service industry workers, leaving them with a sour taste in their mouths after serving her.

    6. Usher

    Despite his impressive wealth, Usher, the acclaimed R&B artist, is infamous for his underwhelming tipping habits and his challenging demeanor, as per the reports of one user. He insists on having his staff act as intermediaries between him and the servers, making it difficult for servers to get direct feedback.

    Related: 10 Movie Death Scenes That You Must See, But Cannot Unsee

    7. Anne Hathaway

    Anne Hathaway, the Oscar-winning actor, is renowned for her fastidiousness, but her scrupulousness doesn’t always extend to her breakfast choices. As per one individual, Hathaway made a server endure the inconvenience of redoing her breakfast order four times before finally deciding to order something else entirely. Dealing with such diva-like tendencies can undoubtedly prove exasperating for servers.

    8. Mariah Carey

    The queen of pop, Mariah Carey, has certainly earned her diva reputation, which extends to her dining-out experiences. A server revealed that Carey could be an absolute nightmare to serve, exhibiting scant regard for her entourage and the restaurant staff. To top it off, the server shared a startling incident where they were instructed not even to look at the superstar while she dined at their establishment.

    9. Tiger Woods

    Despite being a billionaire and one of the greatest golfers in history, Tiger Woods’ restaurant etiquette needs to improve on his legendary sporting prowess. As per an individual, Woods can come across as distant, impolite, and infamous for being a lousy tipper. Sadly, his challenging behavior is not just limited to restaurants, as reports suggest that he can be challenging to work with at golf courses and other venues too.

    10. Anna Wintour

    Anna Wintour is a highly influential figure in the fashion industry, but her behavior when dining at restaurants is reportedly anything but fashionable. According to Michael Cecchi-Azzolina, the former maitre d’ at NYC’s Michelin-starred restaurant Le Coucou, Anna Wintour tends to march in without a reservation and demand a table. Cecchi-Azzolina also claims that Wintour can be horrid to the entire staff and requests that her steak is served rarely and immediately. While some may appreciate the fashion icon’s boldness, her behavior is only sometimes appreciated by the restaurant staff, who have to deal with her demanding ways.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: Reddit.

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/celebrities-that-are-waiters-worst-nightmare/

  • Boomers Knew Better: 10 “New Age” Parenting Trends That Will Not Help Your Kids

    At times the old advice is the best advice. Here are 10 new parenting trends that are simply not going to help kids progress through life.

    1. Damaging Trend: Destroying Children’s Property

    Angry mother threatening her daughter at home
    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Destroying a child’s property as punishment is a terrible parenting trend that sends a damaging message to children. Even if some viral videos of parents destroying their children’s belongings may be staged, the behavior still teaches children that violence and destruction are acceptable ways to handle their emotions and conflicts. Such parents may also struggle with controlling their emotions, leading to an unhealthy and unsafe home environment.

    2. Over-scheduling Children: Importance of Unstructured Playtime

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    Are parents over-scheduling their children? One child advocate believes so and suggests that unstructured playtime is crucial for children’s development. Instead of constantly scheduling activities, children should be free to play at their own pace without feeling pressured to adhere to a schedule. Parents are urged to reduce their children’s scheduled activities and give them the space and time to play in their way.

    3. Terrible Trend: Loud Screens on Public Transport

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    According to one Redditor, watching screens without headphones on public transport is a terrible parenting trend that needs to stop. The loud sounds coming from the screens can disturb other passengers, and it’s important to consider the comfort of others and teach children to use headphones in public spaces.

    4. Talk About Puberty: Don’t Guilt Trip Your Kids

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    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Parents, don’t guilt trip or be embarrassed to talk about maturity and puberty with your children! One commentator warns against this trend, which can lead to negative consequences. Instead, parents should be more open and supportive when discussing these important topics with their kids.

    5. Entitlement and Spoiling: Negative Consequences

    Stubborn small preschooler girl child close ears ignore loud young mother lecturing or scolding, mad Caucasian mom quarrel fight with little daughter, family misunderstanding, generation gap concept
    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Giving in to your child’s every whim and desire, even when it’s not reasonable or affordable for the family, is a common trend that can have negative consequences. Children can become entitled and spoiled without the value of money or hard work. They may also struggle to cope with disappointment or frustration when they don’t get what they want. A child advocate encourages parents to set limits and teach their children the importance of delayed gratification.

    6. Franchise Names: Potential Pitfalls

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    Naming kids after favorite franchise characters may initially seem cool, but one Redditor points out the potential pitfalls of this parenting trend. They highlight that the appropriateness and outcome of such names can vary greatly. For instance, naming your child “Daenerys” after the popular TV show Game of Thrones may not age well once the show has ended, raising considerations for the child’s future.

    7. Bullying as Affection: Dangerous Trend

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    It’s a concerning parenting trend when mothers tell their daughters that if a boy bullies them, it’s a sign of affection, warns a commenter. This mindset can be dangerous, as it may lead children to view bullying as a twisted form of love, ultimately causing harm in future relationships. The commentator shares a personal experience of being told this by their own parents, only to face betrayal and heartbreak in a relationship later.

    8. Beware of Screen Addiction

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Beware of the trend of allowing young children to become addicted to screens cautions an individual who recognizes the potential negative consequences. While screens can be valuable tools, allowing a two-year-old to become overly dependent on them can have damaging effects. This reliance on technology leads to unhealthy attachment and hampers physical and social development. Parents should strive for a healthy balance and set limits regarding screen time.

    9. Unattainable Expectations: Parenting Trauma

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    Parents who expect their children to be constantly calm, silent, and flawless, never making mistakes or forgetting anything, are setting them up for trauma, particularly when the children are neurodivergent, states a commentator. This unattainable pressure to be perfect and conform to unrealistic expectations places immense stress and anxiety on children, leading to long-term psychological and emotional issues. Parents must embrace and support their children for who they are, providing understanding and encouragement rather than imposing unattainable standards.

    10. Dismissing Teacher Feedback: A Parenting Mistake

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    According to another user, dismissing a teacher’s report of a child misbehaving is a parenting trend that should be avoided. Believing and addressing such concerns is essential for teaching children accountability and respect for authority figures, including their teachers. Disregarding a teacher’s feedback sends the message to the child that their behavior is acceptable and can strain the relationship between the teacher and parent, hindering the child’s educational progress.

    This originally appeared on Max My Money.

    30 Stars Who Look Nothing Like Their Characters

    Courtesy of Birdie Thompson/AdMedia

    We’ve all seen it before. An actor who looks nothing like their character on the big screen. We’ve all seen it before. It can be pretty jarring and often leaves us wondering how they even got the part in the first place. In this article, we will look at 30 actors who don’t look anything like their characters! Some of them are so different that you might not even recognize them!

    10 Surprising Movie Characters That Could Never Be Replaced With a New Actor

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Sometimes a show or movie is different with the actors playing the characters. Would we love their characters as much if they were played by someone else? See who people claim could never be replaced in their iconic roles with another.

    10 Terrible Movies People Love, But Admit Are Horrible

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Movies are subjective, and what one person considers a cinematic masterpiece, another may view as a cringe-worthy disaster. However, some films have gained a reputation for being particularly terrible yet still manage to capture the hearts of audiences. These are the guilty pleasure movies that people love to hate but can’t help but watch again and again.

    10 Terrible Movies People Sat Through Hoping They Would Get Better, But Never Did

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Have you ever watched a movie hoping it would get better, but it only got worse? It can be a disappointing and frustrating experience, especially if you were really excited to see the movie in the first place. Let’s see the movies that disappointed viewers and wonder why they didn’t just leave the theater or turn off the TV.

    10 Terrible Things That Automatically Ruin Good Movies

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Lights, camera, action! Movies are the ultimate adventure, taking us on a journey to fantastical lands, introducing us to characters out of this world, and stirring emotions within us. However, not all movies are created equal, and certain things can instantly ruin a movie for some viewers. Recently, in a platform discussion, people shared several things that can automatically ruin movies.

    Source: Reddit

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/new-age-parenting-trends/

  • 10 Critical Parenting Mistakes That Will Mess Your Kids up Later in Life

    Parenting is tough. Here are the critical mistakes you want to avoid.

    1. Parental Apology: A Vital Lesson

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Buckle up for a heart-wrenching Reddit confession that exposes the disastrous effects of a parent’s inability to apologize. In a gut-wrenching tale, a user shares their experience of rising with a father who never admitted his mistakes, a decision that severely damaging their relationship. But the story doesn’t end there. With an inspiring commitment to breaking the cycle, the user reveals how they intentionally model a different behavior for their children, offering us all a shining example of humility, responsibility, and accountability.

    2. Keeping Promises to Our Kids Matters

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    You don’t have to be a parent to feel the impact of broken promises. But for kids, the damage can be especially devastating. In a touching plea to parents everywhere, one wise commenter urges us all to take our promises seriously, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. By emphasizing the importance of keeping our commitments, the commenter reminds us that dependability and reliability are crucial for building trust and security in our children’s lives.

    3. Is Staying Together Best for Children

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    Here’s a thought-provoking take on a controversial topic: staying together for the kids. But what if that decision is doing more harm than good? In a powerful argument, one insightful observer challenges conventional wisdom, urging parents to prioritize their happiness and well-being. With a compelling case for the damaging effects of toxic relationships on children, the commenter advocates for parents to take a stand for their own self-care, modeling healthy boundaries and self-respect for their kids.

    4. The Value of Learning From Losing

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    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    We all want our kids to feel special and confident. But could our well-meaning intentions actually be setting them up for failure? In a brilliant insight, a wise mentor warns against the perils of always telling our children they are winners, urging us to teach them the value of losing instead. By offering a refreshingly honest perspective on the importance of disappointment and resilience, the mentor challenges us all to give our children the gift of learning from their mistakes.

    5. Childhood’s Impact on Adult Behavior

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    Here’s a fascinating and eye-opening look at the unexpected ways our childhood experiences can shape our adult behavior. In a gripping account, one insightful individual shares their lasting anxiety around waking people up, a fear that stems from a strict Asian parenting style. With startling honesty and vulnerability, the individual shines a light on the long-term impact of our parenting choices and their profound influence on our children’s emotional well-being.

    6. Validating Children’s Emotions

    Stubborn small preschooler girl child close ears ignore loud young mother lecturing or scolding, mad Caucasian mom quarrel fight with little daughter, family misunderstanding, generation gap concept
    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Crying should never be considered a sign of weakness or vulnerability; compassionate people recognize this fact. Parents must understand that teaching children to repress their emotions and hide their tears can lead to emotional distress and long-term mental health issues. Instead, parents should validate and acknowledge their children’s feelings while teaching them how to manage their emotions healthily.

    7. Explaining Death to Children

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    When explaining death to children, wise mentors know that simply telling them someone is “sleeping” can create confusion and anxiety. This may lead to a lifelong fear of slumber, which can be difficult to overcome. To help children process their emotions, it’s crucial to explain death in a way that’s appropriate for their age and provide them with the support they need.

    8. Respecting Children’s Autonomy

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    An empathetic guardian urges against pressuring children to engage in physical affection when they feel uncomfortable or fearful. This includes situations involving certain family members, like Uncle Bob or Aunt Karen. While kindness is essential to teach, respecting children’s bodily autonomy and prioritizing their comfort and safety are equally important. Forcing physical touch against their will may teach them to suppress their feelings and prioritize others’ desires, leading to negative consequences later in life.

    19. Accurate Education: Crucial for Children

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    Stressing the importance of accurate and age-appropriate sex education, a knowledgeable educator expresses gratitude for their own parents’ approach. They commend their parents for truthfully answering their questions at a level suitable for their development throughout childhood. Not all children receive such education, which can negatively impact their sexual health and overall well-being later in life. By providing factual information about intimacy, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections, children can make informed decisions and feel empowered in their own bodies.

    10. Positive Conversations for a Happy Home

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Drawing from personal experience, an insightful mentor points out that the inability to keep conversations light and positive can be a parenting mistake with long-term effects. Constantly engaging in negative or serious discussions can create a tense home environment, potentially leading to anxiety and other mental health issues in children. To foster a relaxed and open atmosphere where children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and emotions, the mentor suggests infusing conversations positively, especially when broaching sensitive topics.

    This originally appeared on Max My Money.

    15 Women From the 90’s Everyone Had a Crush On

    In the 1990s, actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Julia Roberts were some of the most popular women in the world. They starred in blockbuster films, graced the covers of magazines, and had legions of fans. While their careers have changed over the years, these women remain iconic figures from the 1990s. Here is a look at 15 women from the 90s that everyone had a crush on.

    10 Black and White Movies All Millennials Need to See Once

    Black and white movies may not be as popular as modern-day movies, but they are classics. Every connoisseur of cinema should watch them at least once. Recently, in a platform discussion, people have shared black and white movies that are a must-watch for any film enthusiast.

    10 Movie Death Scenes That You Must See, But Cannot Unsee

    Movies can transport us to new worlds, make us laugh, cry, or feel various emotions. Some movie scenes are so intense and memorable that they stick with us long after the credits roll. Recently in a discussion, people have shared death scenes from their favorite movies that are seared into their memories.

    10 Movies/TV Shows That Ruined the Entire Franchise

    Franchise owners and filmmakers work tirelessly to produce hit movies and television shows that keep fans engaged and coming back for more. But sometimes, a single misstep can cause a franchise to crash and burn. On a popular online forum, users discussed the movies and television episodes that killed franchises. Here are the top ten responses:

    10 Surprising Actors Who Instantly Ruin Movies

    Actors and actresses can make or break a movie with their performances. While some are beloved by audiences and critics alike, others are criticized for their lackluster acting skills and ability to ruin an otherwise good film. Recently, in a discussion on a platform, people have shared actors and actresses who can instantly ruin movies with their performances.

    Source: Reddit

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/critical-parenting-mistakes-that-will-mess-your-kids-up-later-in-life/

  • 10 Most Irrational Rules Strict Parents Had For Their Kids

    Some parents are so strict that their adult children talk about it years and even decades later. Here are the

    1. Strict Rules: Confined to Your Room Without a Valid Reason

    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Can you imagine being confined to your room without a valid reason to leave? According to a wise commentator, that was their reality growing up due to their parent’s strict code of conduct. While this rule may have been well-intentioned, it could have significantly impacted a child’s social and emotional development.

    2. The Harmful Effects of a Father’s Strict Hugging Rule

    Stubborn small preschooler girl child close ears ignore loud young mother lecturing or scolding, mad Caucasian mom quarrel fight with little daughter, family misunderstanding, generation gap concept
    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    For some people, hugging their mother is a natural and loving act. But it was a source of shame and discomfort for one heartfelt user. Their strict father imposed a time limit on hugging their mother and would call them homosexual slurs if they hugged for too long. This hurtful and rigid rule can leave lasting effects on a person’s mental health and ability to form healthy relationships. It’s a painful reminder of parents’ power over their children and the need for love and acceptance in all its forms.

    3. Breaking the Rules: Shaving Legs Before 16

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Even glamorous divas have to follow the rules set by their parents. One rule for a particular diva was not to shave her legs until she was 16. However, as rebellious teenagers tend to do, she took matters into her own hands at 12. Unfortunately, her mother found out and promptly grounded her for breaking the rule.

    4. Discriminatory Music Rules: The Impact on a Child’s Identity

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    The music we listen to can reflect who we are and what we believe in. But for one critical thinker, their parents strictly controlled their musical choices. They were prohibited from listening to Vanilla Ice’s music because their parents labeled it “black music.” This narrow-minded rule was a manifestation of their parents’ discriminatory beliefs and desired to control their children’s exposure to different cultures and perspectives. It’s hard to imagine the kind of impact this kind of control can impact a child’s worldview and identity.

    5. No Autonomy: Seeking Permission for Everything

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    As a child, did you ever feel like you were always being monitored and restricted? An expert in the field has revealed that they had to seek permission whenever they wanted to consume anything growing up. They were not allowed to grab food or drinks independently, and this rule left them feeling like they had no autonomy.

    6. Adventure Restricted: Never Allowed to Venture Out Alone

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Having strict parents can be a real challenge for the adventurous among us. One such explorer shared that they could always venture out with others. Even if they were eight years older than their younger sibling, they could only leave the house if their sibling had a friend to play with.

    7. Mail Rules: Only One Family Member Allowed To Open It

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    In every household, certain rules must be followed. But have you ever heard of a rule allowing only one family member to collect the mail? According to a knowledgeable family member, their father was the only one allowed to open the mail, regardless of who it was addressed to. This rule applied to everyone in the house, and there were no exceptions.

    8. Harsh Punishments: Grounded for a Late School Bus

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Can you imagine being punished for something completely out of your control? That’s what happened to one unfortunate soul who got grounded for two months because their school bus was running late. It’s hard to imagine the reason behind such a harsh punishment, but it’s clear that the consequences were completely disproportionate to the situation. What kind of parents would inflict such a punishment on their child? It’s a mystery that may never be solved.

    9. Fearful Mealtime: Punished for Meal Choice

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    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Food is more than just nourishment for some people – it’s a way of life. But for one foodie, it was a source of fear and anxiety. Their father had a strict rule about meal choices, and if they didn’t immediately state what they wanted to eat, they would be punished by adding onions and garlic to their dish. It’s hard to imagine the terror of making a snap decision about what to eat, knowing that the wrong choice could lead to culinary punishment. For this user, mealtime was a stressful experience they would always remember.

    10. Rigid Mealtime Structure: Denied Food and Smacked at the Table

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Mealtime can be a time of family bonding and connection, but for some, it’s a time of fear and tension. This was the case for one family member who grew up with a strict parent with a unique mealtime rule. They had to eat their beans first on their plate and then move clockwise through their meal. Failure to follow this strict rule could result in being denied any further food and being smacked at the dinner table. This rigid structure can create a tense and potentially abusive environment that is anything but enjoyable.

    This originally appeared on Max My Money.

    These 10 Celebrity “Real” Names Are Very Different Than Their “Stage” Names

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Many celebrities take on stage names to either protect their identity, or to reinvent themselves into someone else. Here are 10 celebrities’ stage names vs. their real names.

    Celebrity Couples That Made Fans Upset

    Image Credit: Brenden Thorne.

    Everyone has their preferences as to who their favorite celebs should have a happily ever after with. And, understandably, fans can become upset when those happily ever after dreams are crushed. Here is a list of celebrity couples that fans absolutely did not approve of.

    10 Canceled TV Shows People Want To Come Back

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.
    Television shows come and go, but some leave a lasting impression on viewers that they yearn to see them make a comeback. Recently on an online platform, people have shared several canceled TV shows they want to see revived. From quirky comedies to epic dramas, these shows had dedicated fan bases that still hold out hope for their return.

    10 TV Shows People Can’t Seem To Get to the End Of

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.
    Television shows have become an important part of people’s lives, with many investing countless hours binge-watching their favorite series. However, sometimes viewers need help to make it to the end, despite their initial enthusiasm for the show. Recently, people have shared several TV shows they can’t get through on an online platform.

    10 Celebrity Marriages That Fizzled Fast

    Courtesy of Kevin Mazur

    As most people know, celebrities are notorious for their quick marriages and even quicker divorces. Here is a list of celebrity marriages that fizzled faster than most.


    Source: Reddit

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/irrational-rules-strict-parents-had-for-their-kids/

  • Boomers Cannot Stand These 10 Tone Deaf Music Opinions Of Millennials

    Let’s say some of these new opinions of the younger people are polarizing to put it lightly.

    1. Nu-metal Is Alive and Well: Defying the Stereotypes

    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Step into the mosh pit of the nu-metal debate, and you’ll find a music enthusiast armed with a solid argument. Forget the naysayers claiming that nu-metal was a flash in the pan because this aficionado has evidence to the contrary. They point to the enduring legacy of bands like System of a Down, Slipknot, Deftones, and Korn, who still reign supreme on festival stages and continue to unleash critically acclaimed albums. Even the much-maligned Limp Bizkit and Papa Roach secure coveted spots at major festivals.

    2. The Romantic Era: An Emotional Alternative to Classical Music

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Classical music has a rich history spanning centuries, but according to one classical music enthusiast, not all eras are created equal. While they appreciate the genius of Beethoven, they can’t stand Mozart and find his music to be overly ornate and fancy. Instead, this fan prefers the Romantic era of orchestral music, which they believe feels more emotional and resonant. While this opinion may be unpopular among classical music fans, this enthusiast argues that it’s important to have an open mind and explore all eras of music to find what truly speaks to you.

    3. Dolly Parton vs Whitney Houston: A Battle of Love Songs

    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Close your eyes and let the soulful battle begin: Dolly Parton versus Whitney Houston. In one corner, a music lover passionately argues that Parton’s rendition of “I Will Always Love You” outshines Houston’s. They claim that Parton’s heartfelt performance exudes authenticity and pure Love, while Houston’s version leans too heavily on showmanship and lacks the sincerity that makes the song truly resonate. For this discerning listener, Parton’s emotional depth triumphs over Houston’s vocal acrobatics any day.

    4. Courtney Love: Protector of Nirvana’s Legacy

    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    Enter the mysterious world of Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, where one fervent fan believes that Courtney Love deserves recognition for preserving her late husband’s musical legacy despite the controversies surrounding her. Despite whispers of conspiracy theories and Love’s polarizing reputation, this passionate advocate praises her tireless efforts in promoting Nirvana’s music and ensuring Cobain’s artistic vision is honored. They highlight Love’s role in releasing rare recordings and live performances and her work to protect Nirvana’s music from unauthorized commercial exploitation. Love may be a lightning rod, but this Nirvana devotee sees her as a guardian of grunge.

    5. Gaming Music: Great Even Without the Game

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Have you ever listened to video game music? According to one avid gamer, you’re missing out on some incredible music if you haven’t. This fan believes that video game soundtracks are not only enjoyable while playing the game but also as standalone music pieces. They argue that video game composers put a lot of effort into blending their music with the game’s story and world, resulting in cohesive and memorable soundtracks.

    6. Bagpipes: Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Prepare your eardrums for a bold proclamation from a bagpipe enthusiast unafraid to voice their unconventional musical opinion. This passionate connoisseur defies the norm and declares their Love for the bagpipes, urging others to join their unique musical quest. With an emotional plea to give this ancient instrument a chance, they promise that the sound of the bagpipes holds untapped beauty and charm. Brace yourself for a musical adventure like no other, as this enthusiast invites you to embrace the distinctive and evocative notes that bagpipes bring to the music world.

    7. Bangers in Every Genre: Open Your Ears

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    Do you believe that there is a genre of music that is completely unworthy of your attention? A music enthusiast shared that you might want to reconsider that notion. They firmly believe that every genre of music has something to offer and that dismissing an entire genre as “sucks” is a disservice to yourself. This avid music lover argues that every genre has hidden gems and bangers worth exploring and that it’s worth digging deep and finding something that resonates with you.

    8. Musical Genres: Don’t Box Them In

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    Buckle up for a genre-hopping journey with a music advocate who believes artists should be free to switch things up. In their eyes, music lovers are not bound by the chains of a single genre, so why should artists be? This advocate embraces the idea that artists’ creative souls yearn to explore new sonic landscapes and experiment with different styles. They argue that musical evolution is a natural and exciting part of an artist’s journey, echoing the sentiment that variety is the spice of life.

    9. Organic vs Digital: A Debate on Music Sounds

    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Are you a fan of organic, traditional sounds, or do you prefer modern music’s slick, digital sounds? According to one passionate music lover, there is no right or wrong when it comes to music. They firmly believe that all sounds are valid and that preferences for certain types of music are entirely subjective. While they may personally lean towards organic sounds, they acknowledge that digital music is just as valid and deserving of respect.

    10. Marty Robbins: The Master Storyteller

    Image Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Marty Robbins may not be a household name, but according to one music enthusiast, he is the best storyteller ever to live. This fan believes Robbins’ songs are vivid and transport listeners to another time and place. From the western-themed “El Paso” to the ballad “Big Iron,” Robbins’ storytelling ability is unmatched. While some may scoff at this opinion, this fan argues that Robbins’ music is a testament to the power of storytelling through song.

    This originally appeared on Max My Money.

    30 Stars Who Look Nothing Like Their Characters

    Courtesy of Birdie Thompson/AdMedia

    We’ve all seen it before. An actor who looks nothing like their character on the big screen. We’ve all seen it before. It can be pretty jarring and often leaves us wondering how they even got the part in the first place. In this article, we will look at 30 actors who don’t look anything like their characters! Some of them are so different that you might not even recognize them!

    10 Surprising Movie Characters That Could Never Be Replaced With a New Actor

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Sometimes a show or movie is different with the actors playing the characters. Would we love their characters as much if they were played by someone else? See who people claim could never be replaced in their iconic roles with another.

    10 Terrible Movies People Love, But Admit Are Horrible

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Movies are subjective, and what one person considers a cinematic masterpiece, another may view as a cringe-worthy disaster. However, some films have gained a reputation for being particularly terrible yet still manage to capture the hearts of audiences. These are the guilty pleasure movies that people love to hate but can’t help but watch again and again.

    10 Terrible Movies People Sat Through Hoping They Would Get Better, But Never Did

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Have you ever watched a movie hoping it would get better, but it only got worse? It can be a disappointing and frustrating experience, especially if you were really excited to see the movie in the first place. Let’s see the movies that disappointed viewers and wonder why they didn’t just leave the theater or turn off the TV.

    10 Terrible Things That Automatically Ruin Good Movies

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Lights, camera, action! Movies are the ultimate adventure, taking us on a journey to fantastical lands, introducing us to characters out of this world, and stirring emotions within us. However, not all movies are created equal, and certain things can instantly ruin a movie for some viewers. Recently, in a platform discussion, people shared several things that can automatically ruin movies.

    Source: Reddit

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/tone-deaf-music-opinions-of-millennials/

  • 20 Obsessions People Have That Can Ruin Their Life

    There is a fine line between hobbies and interests and straight-up obsession. And some obsessions are just plain unhealthy. The Reddit community has some tales of their own to share on this topic.

    1. 24-Hour News Cycles

    Image Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds from Canva

    “It’s good to stay involved and informed but man, if people would just turn off the news (including Reddit) I feel like 90% of our culture war would disappear overnight and we could focus on the real issues,” one user said.

    2. Social Media Image

    Image Credit: arturmarciniephotos from Canva

    “A friend of mine’s mother almost spends every waking hour on FB and Instagram. She is constantly updating the world on her life. My friend has had to stop sending her pics of his children because they would immediately end up on her FB. She has fallen for a number of scams – thankly stopped by friend before she lost money.

    It seems the only source of validation in her life are the upvotes and likes of friends, relatives and strangers,” one person shared.

    Related: 10 Things That Men Don’t Realize Makes Them Insanely Attractive

    3. Influencer/Celebrity Lives

    Image Credit: Twinsterphoto from Canva

    “Inclusive of influencers, streamers, and any other random person with a webcam. We get mad at narcissism but go out of our way to throw money at these folks. Not everybody needs to be a brand. The overwhelming majority of us are just plain, ordinary humans – and that’s ok,” one user pointed out.

    4. Work

    Image Credit: tab1962 from Canva

    “Almost everyone in my office grabs there lunch and eats at there desk while working. Like you literally get hour and a half breaks if you want what are you doing lol. I always get on my phone and watch a show or YouTube while eating my lunch for the full time,” one user shared.

    Another added, “Where I work, people do this EVERY DAY. I have to get up and leave the office to eat lunch. I either go home, or through a fast food place and grab something. Then I either watch a show at home or in my pickup. I don’t understand how or why people eat lunch at their desk every day and work through lunch. The work will still be there after you eat. Take a break.”

    5. Pointless Relationships

    Image Credit: Nicolas Menijes from Canva

    One user shared, “I spent most of my life like this, out of one relationship straight into another. It messed up my mind on what a healthy relationship looks like. 9 year’s single now and I still don’t know.”

    6. Cell Phones

    Imgae Credit: Jacob Lund from Canva

    “Their phones. It’s one thing to keep yourself busy, it’s another to never let yourself be bored. Being bored is important sometimes, it makes you think/helps clear your head. Phones make it ridiculously easy to never let yourself get bored, to the point where it ain’t healthy,” one user pointed out.

    Related: 10 Things Women Say Men Need To Stop Doing Immediately

    7. Arguing With People on the Internet

    Image Credit: PR Image Factory from Canva

    “Know your limit. There’s a subreddit with something about arguing on the internet is like wrestling a brick wall. You’re not going to get anywhere. People are set in their ways, they aren’t open to good discussion and taking points away. They’re right, you’re wrong. I love a good discussion where you go back and forth, and acknowledge and appreciate the other person and their good intended arguments. We’re not arguing at that point, we’re having a good discussion with opposite viewpoints and providing evidence to support our viewpoints,” one user said.

    8. Pro Sports

    Image Credit: chonesstock fromm Canva

    “I’m a self proclaimed fair weather fan. I generally don’t watch sports at all, but if any of my State’s local teams start making a good run, I may get engaged and watch some. It blows my mind that people’s days are ruined when their team loses. Or maybe they punch a wall or destroy some other property. Or even worse, get in a physical fight with some other fan from an opposing team. These people need something more meaningful in their lives. They are getting more upset than the actual members of the team. Pathetic,” another user shared.

    9. Alcohol

    Image Credit: DAPA images

    “This is my pick. Alcohol is so normalized and it’s very weird when you stop and think about it. There are definitely people who can enjoy it occasionally and responsibly but at the end of the day it’s mostly just poison,” one user said.

    Another user shared some data they discovered. “The WHO declared recently that there is no healthy amount of alcohol. That it is best to just not drink any and everyone just shrugs it off. People obsess over what they think is healthy to eat, but won’t even consider stopping drinking beer or wine.”

    10. Calorie Counting

    Image Credit: rimmabondarenko from Canva

    One user shared the benefits as well as the drawbacks of calorie counting. “It’s not unhealthy at baseline, but calorie counting and obsessive exercise can easily devolve into disordered eating/food obsession and whatever you call a compulsive exercise disorder.

    I’ve seen it happen a few times, where someone starts calorie counting to lose weight, sees the great results they get, and keeps doing it. Then, when they’re out at a restaurant or something with friends, gets anxious and panicky when they can’t accurately weigh or measure whatever food they’re eating, and are thus unable to log it in MFP.

    But, dangers aside, I actually think everybody would benefit from calorie counting. It’s amazing how unhealthy the food we eat is, and how quickly you get to 2000kcal in a day.”

    11. Being a Victim

    Image Credit: nomadsoulphotos from Canva

    “This. And it’s especially prevalent with people whose hands are caught in the proverbial cookie jar or doing things that are genuinely harmful for the community in general. The number of people I’ve dealt with who complain how their “real friends” let them do whatever they want or they should get away with it because everyone else is doing it or they’ve always been pushed around and bullied so they should get away with whatever disproportionately bad or retributive action they took is entirely too high,” one user said.

    12. Being Right All the Time/Not Being Able To Admit Wrongdoing

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “This goes both ways. Terrible if it takes the form of never admitting wrongness. Not so bad if it takes the form of googling damn near everything (assuming their google-fu is solid) and changing their position if it’s in error,” one person cautioned. Another user shared their own experience with this.

    “Being completely honest, your latter point is something I do if for whatever pathetic reason I have to win a debate. And I’m sure I’m not the only one. I think both are as bad as each other unless the person graciously admits being wrong or not knowing everything. I keep reminding myself to hop off the net and stop getting involved but I keep doing it. It passes the time at work, which makes it harder to kick.”

    13. Hating Celebrities

    Image Credit: DAPA images fro Canva

    One user expressed how concerning it is that people dedicate time and effort to hating celebrities or other public figures.

    “Truly, truly hating celebrities who have zero impact on your life For instance: Meagan Markle cannot pass legislation, she cannot fire you from your job, she has literally no effect on your life whatsoever – and yet there are entire subreddits dedicating to hating her. I can’t help but think that’s kinda unhealthy.

    I can see being negatively obsessed with someone like a politician. A politician actually has some sort of effect on your life. That’s why I totally get people who are obsessed with hating Biden or Trump or the CEOs of major corporations or even someone like Elon Musk – these are people whose decisions actually impact your life.

    Whereas Alec Baldwin’s wife or Meghan Markle are just celebrities whose decisions impact no one else but the immediate circle of people around them. I mean…feel free to hate whoever you want.  But it just seems….weird to me to be THAT obsessed with some celebrity – so obsessed that you spend your days talking about how much you hate hate HATE them.

    Wouldn’t it be wiser to direct all that hatred and negative energy toward someone who is actually, you know, doing something bad?”

    14. Fitness

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One user pointed out how unhealthy the “fit life” lifestyle can become, and how quickly it can turn into an obsession.

    “The “fit life” obsession. Lots of people let that consume their personality and lives. All they care about is hitting the gym and dieting. Wanna go out for dinner? Nah can’t fit that into my macros Let’s grab a drink for happy hour. Can’t man, that would eliminate my two hour workout that I just did today. Please be healthy, but also please have fun in life. You only have one.”

    15. Virtual Numbers (Likes, Comments, Etc.)

    Image Credit: adrianvidal from Canva

    One user shared their experience with having this problem.

    “I’m older, so in my 20s I was on a message board. Got pretty into it and on a trip overseas met a bunch of people from that message board, that aspect was great. But it got to a point where you could upvote comments and see what other members upvoted or downvoted you and sometimes they would leave you messages. I guess like Reddit, but you were more familiar with specific people.

    I realized I was often thinking about the updates, worrying about the downvotes and thinking about comments and posts these relative strangers made. It was taking up a lot of brain space and I was allowing myself to get sucked in. So I left. This was the early 2000s and just before social media took off.

    I can’t deal with social media such as Fb, Instagram, etc because of those early experiences with those message boards. Reddit is big enough to not be as personal for me.”

    16. Toxic Positivity

    Image Credit: Gajus fro Canva

    One user talked about why they believe toxic positivity could be an unhealthy obsession. “Unpopular opinion but… Positivity. I’m talking about toxic positivity that those self help gurus make millions on roping desperate and vulnerable people into their cult-like seminars. Have a problem in your life? Buy my book! Be a better you! It’s not the world that’s the problem it’s your MiNdSeT.

    To be clear there are so many great self help books out there but most are total crap and cash grabs promoting more products.”

    17. Disney

    Image Credit aroastock.com form Canva

    One user explained why they believe that unhealthy obsessions with Disney exist. “I am super weirded out by adults who are obsessed with Disney. There’s something strange (and a little creepy) going on there. I haven’t put my finger on it yet.”

    Another said, “Enjoying it is one thing, but there’s so much more out there in this world. The idea of repeatedly spending thousands of dollars on a theme park just doesn’t make sense to me.”

    18. Money

    Image Credit: DAPA images from Canva

    One user explained that while we need money to survive, there is a fine line between survival and greed. “My take on this is the same as the Biblical “love of money”. Yes, you need money to survive. Yes, you should have reserves, and save up money for retirement. This just shows responsibility.

    Some, however, are so insatiably greedy (Charles Koch and his cronies, for example), that the idea that there are some people – who have responsibly paid into Social Security their whole lives – and who are now living off Social Security and Medicaid, are unforgivably communistic. Charles Koch and his cronies want this Social Security and Medicaid money for themselves, and will stop at nothing to get it.

    This obsession is unhealthy for hundreds of millions of Americans.

    19. Conspiracy Theories

    Image Credit: BTStock from Canva

    “Conspiracy theories. It’s fine to believe a conspiracy or two every now and then but they really shouldn’t affect your life and how you choose to live it. They should remain as they are: Theories. Many people treat them as fact and allow that belief to color their better judgement.

    I’m fully vaccinated. I wore masks. I stayed home for two years except for grocery runs. I lost family and friends to COVID. …but I do believe the conspiracy theory that COVID was made in a lab and accidentally escaped. That belief does not cloud my judgement or affect how I responded to COVID in any way. The people who ran wild with conspiracy theories and balked public safety guidelines caused a lot of deaths,” one user shared.

    20. Collecting

    Image Credit: welcomia from Canva

    “Collecting. Lots of collecting these days becomes a strange version of resources hoarding, not enjoyment or preservation. Many collections end up consuming collectors, despite the fact that they don’t offer any real value or happiness,” one user explained.

    Another chimed in, “Surprised this isn’t higher up. In general the idea that you can buy your way out of despair is unspoken but written into a lot of American culture. In a consumerist society, people are indoctrinated from an early age to have an unhealthy relationship with money and products.”

    15 Women From the 90’s Everyone Had a Crush On

    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    In the 1990s, actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Julia Roberts were some of the most popular women in the world. They starred in blockbuster films, graced the covers of magazines, and had legions of fans. While their careers have changed over the years, these women remain iconic figures from the 1990s. Here is a look at 15 women from the 90s that everyone had a crush on.

    10 Black and White Movies All Millennials Need to See Once

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Black and white movies may not be as popular as modern-day movies, but they are classics. Every connoisseur of cinema should watch them at least once. Recently, in a platform discussion, people have shared black and white movies that are a must-watch for any film enthusiast.

    10 Movie Death Scenes That You Must See, But Cannot Unsee

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Movies can transport us to new worlds, make us laugh, cry, or feel various emotions. Some movie scenes are so intense and memorable that they stick with us long after the credits roll. Recently in a discussion, people have shared death scenes from their favorite movies that are seared into their memories.

    10 Movies/TV Shows That Ruined the Entire Franchise

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Franchise owners and filmmakers work tirelessly to produce hit movies and television shows that keep fans engaged and coming back for more. But sometimes, a single misstep can cause a franchise to crash and burn. On a popular online forum, users discussed the movies and television episodes that killed franchises. Here are the top ten responses:

    10 Surprising Actors Who Instantly Ruin Movies

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Actors and actresses can make or break a movie with their performances. While some are beloved by audiences and critics alike, others are criticized for their lackluster acting skills and ability to ruin an otherwise good film. Recently, in a discussion on a platform, people have shared actors and actresses who can instantly ruin movies with their performances.

    Read the original thread here.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/obsessions-people-have-that-can-ruin-their-life/

  • 10 Habits Men Wish Other Men Would Give Up

    The men of Reddit compiled a list of things that men hate about other men.

    1. Guys Who Drink and Fight Everybody

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “This happened during LAN party at my frats house. Dude got drunk wanted to fight. No one wanted to fight him so he went around and started un pluging everybody’s stuff. So then they fought back. Funny/scary,” one guy said.  Another shared, “I’ve done this. Punching your best friend is the dumbest thing you could ever do. It’s like beating a puppy. I regret it so much, but it can’t be undone. I want to say I learned my lesson, but I don’t know. I might just be the idiot OP speaks of.”

    2. Guys Who Leave Creepy Messages on Girls’ Social Media Posts

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “I’ve always wondered what they think is going to happen after they post comments like that. Is she gonna message them saying ‘no one’s every told me i’m beautiful. Here’s my number, please put a baby in me,’” one person said.

    Another user added, “I have a friend who is on a small to mid-market tv news show, and part of her job is keeping a social media presence. I cannot believe the amount of men who find it appropriate to say stuff like this to her. One day she posted something along the lines of “Hope you’ll be getting up nice and early with us this morning at [station]; it’s going to be a beautiful day!” and some 50+ year old guy says “you make me rise every morning gorgeous.” She’s only 23. These guys infuriate me. I know you put yourself out there when you have a publicly recognized position, but holy smokes people are creeps.”

    Related: 10 Skills Most Men Don’t Have but Should To Attract Women

    3. Men Who Bash Their Own Gender To Get Girls

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “Men who constantly bash their entire gender to try and impress women with how different they are. If you’re trying to be “not like other men” to get lucky you are EXACTLY like other men. Not being a total loser isn’t some kind of valiant rebellion against your darker nature and societies expectations, it’s just being a decent person and most of us pull it off without constantly having to remind everyone how much worse we could act,” one user pointed out.

    “I wish I could high five you. Don’t ever just come out and say “yeah you should choose me because I’m not like/better than other guys,” to anyone you’re interested in. If it really is that some guy is a special type of man who defies the previous experiences from men that whichever woman he’s chatting upb has had, then it should be obvious to her just by his actions.

    Do, not say. Show her that you’re not like other guys by treating her with respect and as an equal. Be the person you think she wants to see, never say that phrase to set it up. If she’s as invested in the potential relationship as you are, she’ll see it just by interacting. Men that are different act different. And if she doesn’t, then either she isn’t paying attention and isn’t worth you continuing to court her, or far more likely you might not be all that different from what she is used to,” another user suggested.

    4. ‘Ugly’ Men Judging Women Based on Looks

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One user shared, “I was in the back of a drunkbus one time at college getting a ride to my dorm. This guy gets on with his friend and his friend, who is the spitting image of early Jonah Hill, neckbeard and all, is saying “…yeah all those girls in that club were too fat and desperate, I mean sheesh I don’t want them touching me!”

    Another chimed in, “That reminds me of a time I was walking into a bar and a table of people outside were I guess judging all the girls and one of the guys said I was too skinny. He wasn’t even good looking on any level. I wish I could go back in time and say something back but I guess I was too shocked at the time.”

    5. Men Who Think Everyone Wants Their Girl

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One user suggested, “This could mean 3 things. 1, the guy is cheating and being overly paranoid because he assumes everyone does. 2. She’s cheated on him already and he’s too stupid to drop her. 3. Some past girl cheated on him, making him assume all girls want to sleep with every guy he knows.”

    Another user added, “I’ve actually legit had some guy swoop in and take my girlfriend. My ex had been hanging out with this guy a lot, and she talked about him constantly. Every time he was around, he would try really hard to show off and impress her. I became progressively more concerned until I finally broke down and confronted her. She told me I was just jealous and got all mad, so I decided yeah, maybe I was being jealous. About a month later she dumps me and they start dating.”

    6. Men Who Openly Hate Their Wives

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “Guys who hate their wives. They act like it’s normal to hate being married or something, but it sounds miserable. My wife is my best friend. I can’t imagine it any other way,” one guy shared.

    Another added, “Yeah, if your relationship isn’t working out, why are you advertising? Fix it, grow up, or move on.

    The whole ‘my wife won’t let me do x’ or ‘I won’t let my wife do x’ back and forth where it’s a dominance thing doesn’t make sense to me. We’re equals. I don’t tell her what to do and she doesn’t tell me what to do. We respect each other and enjoy each other’s company. We work out our problems like adults. And we’re happy together. Why else get married, duh?”

    Related: 10 Worst Things About Being a Man

    7. Men Who Can’t Do Basic Domestic Duties

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “Dudes who can’t fend for themselves when it comes to domestic duties. Learn how to cook a couple meals, clean a toilet, turn on a vacuum, and develop some other simple homemaking tendencies,” one guy suggested.

    “Cooking is not hard to get into and it isn’t going to suddenly make you less of a man if you know how to do it. You get to play with knives and fire. If you are in the middle of no where you might be able to actually not starve to death. Also people generally like it when you cook for them,” another person added.

    8. Men Who Catcall Women

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “This. I hate it when I have friends who won’t stop embarrassing me by cat calling ladies while I’m with them. I have never, ever seen this work, and it also makes me look bad if I’m associating with you. I have actually gotten into the habit of yelling ‘sorry, he’s a jerk!’ whenever this happens. If you’re going to make me look bad when I’m just trying to have a good time, I’m going to make you look worse,” one guy shared.

    9. Men Who Think the Only Reason To Go to Bars Is To Pick up Women

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    “To add to the alpha male thing, I hate the bar-creeper-gotta-bring-a-girl-home-every-night mentality that some guys have.

    I was at a bar about an hour before closing time talking to my really good friend and his girlfriend about random stuff. Then one of his friends comes at me like someone from Jersey Shore and starts asking me “dude, why aren’t you talking to any chicks?” I replied that I didn’t know and I’m just here to get drunk and have fun like a normal person. He comes back with “you’re supposed to get with chicks at bars! Didn’t you know!? You see that girl over there? Go talk to her!” This guy was seriously bent out of shape because I wasn’t at a bar to talk to girls,” one guy shared.

    10. Men Who Don’t Support Other Men

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One guy explained the importance of giving young men proper role models, and that men are not stepping up as they should be.

    “I hate that we aren’t as up in arms about the difficulties facing boys and young men as women are about the difficulties facing girls and young women. I’m consistently impressed by all the women-driven efforts to extend opportunities and support to girls. I’d like to see men tend to their young ranks with equal zeal.

    I’ll concede the challenges are much different, and that on balance it is harder to be a female in this world. However, it is getting better for women all the time. I honestly don’t think the world is getting better for young men. It is more confusing. It is less understanding of traditional forms of masculine projection. Traditional male roles are being torn down, probably for the better, but that doesn’t leave young men with much in the way of role models.

    Nobody is going to stick up for boys if not grown men. Boys need support. They need guidance. They need to be challenged. Or else they grow up into selfish, lazy pigs. So, grown men, let’s step up our game. Let’s get more involved. You don’t need to have a son to help raise a man.”

    These 10 Celebrity “Real” Names Are Very Different Than Their “Stage” Names

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Many celebrities take on stage names to either protect their identity, or to reinvent themselves into someone else. Here are 10 celebrities’ stage names vs. their real names.

    Celebrity Couples That Made Fans Upset

    Image Credit: Brenden Thorne.

    Everyone has their preferences as to who their favorite celebs should have a happily ever after with. And, understandably, fans can become upset when those happily ever after dreams are crushed. Here is a list of celebrity couples that fans absolutely did not approve of.

    10 Canceled TV Shows People Want To Come Back

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.
    Television shows come and go, but some leave a lasting impression on viewers that they yearn to see them make a comeback. Recently on an online platform, people have shared several canceled TV shows they want to see revived. From quirky comedies to epic dramas, these shows had dedicated fan bases that still hold out hope for their return.

    10 TV Shows People Can’t Seem To Get to the End Of

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.
    Television shows have become an important part of people’s lives, with many investing countless hours binge-watching their favorite series. However, sometimes viewers need help to make it to the end, despite their initial enthusiasm for the show. Recently, people have shared several TV shows they can’t get through on an online platform.

    10 Celebrity Marriages That Fizzled Fast

    Courtesy of Kevin Mazur

    As most people know, celebrities are notorious for their quick marriages and even quicker divorces. Here is a list of celebrity marriages that fizzled faster than most.

    Read the original thread here.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/habits-men-wish-other-men-would-give-up/

  • 10 Unique Ideas That Will Give The Wow Factor On Your First Date

    Whether you’ve been together for one year or fifty, date night is a necessary part of any relationship. It’s a time to reconnect and have some fun together. Unfortunately, finding new and exciting date ideas can sometimes be challenging. We’ve put together a list of 20 tried and true date ideas that will never disappoint!

    1. Try a Restaurant You’ve Never Been to Before

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One of the best things about living in a big city is all of the incredible restaurants to try. Who knows, you may find your new favorite place! Make date night an adventure by picking a spot you’ve never been to before.

    If you’re feeling extra adventurous, pick a restaurant in a completely different part of town that you usually don’t go to. Selecting a different restaurant will help you explore other parts of the city and maybe even find some hidden gems.

    Plus, trying something new together can be exciting and bonding. Even if the food isn’t great, you’ll at least have a funny story to tell later!

    2. Go Mini-Golfing

    Mini-golf is the perfect activity for couples because it’s fun and challenging. It’s also a great way to see how your partner handles competition!

    If you want to up the ante, make things more interesting by betting on who will win. The loser has to buy dinner or do something special for the winner. Making bets will make the game even more exciting and help you get to know your partner better.

    Win or lose, you’re guaranteed to have a good time at mini-golf.

    Related: 10 Phrases Men Hate Hearing From Women

    3. Play Laser Tag

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Laser tag is a classic date night activity that’s perfect for competitive couples. It’s also a great way to get some exercise while you’re having fun!

    If you want to win, make sure to strategize with your partner before the game starts. Strategizing will give you a better chance of coming out on top!

    No matter what, laser tag is always a ton of fun. And it’s even more fun when you’re playing with your significant other.

    4. Go on a Double Date With Friends

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Double dates are a great way to spend time with your partner and friends. Plus, it takes the pressure off you to entertain everyone by yourself!

    There are tons of different ways to make a double date fun. You could go out to dinner and a movie, or do something unique like bowling or karaoke.

    No matter what you do, double dates are always a good time. And they’re even better when you’re with your best friends!

    5. Go Roller Skating

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Roller skating is a great way to get active and have fun simultaneously. It’s also a great way to bond with your partner.

    See who can skate the longest without falling if you’re feeling competitive. The loser has to buy ice cream for the winner.

    6. Cook Dinner Together

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Cooking dinner together is a great way to spend quality time with your partner. It’s also a great way to learn more about each other.

    If you’re not sure what to make, pick a dish you’ve always wanted to try. Choosing a new dish will allow you to experiment and learn something new together.

    No matter what you make, cooking together is always a fun experience. And it’s even better when you get to eat the delicious results.

    Related: 10 Things Women Do That Men Should Start Doing as Well

    7. See a Comedy Show

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Laughing is one of the best things you can do for your relationship. It’s a great way to bond with your partner and relieve stress.

    Plus, comedy shows are a great way to get out of the house and do something different. There are always tons of great comedians performing in big cities.

    No matter what, you’re guaranteed to have a good time at a comedy show.

    8. Go to a Concert at the Park

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    One of the best things about summer is the great concerts in the park! Concerts are a great way to get out and enjoy some fresh air while you listen to your favorite bands.

    Plus, it’s a great way to bond with your partner over your shared love of music!

    9. Go to an Art Museum

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Art museums are a great way to spend some time together while learning about different cultures and history.

    If you want to make things more interesting, try to find all of the pieces from your favorite artist. Checking out an art museum will give you a chance to bond over your shared love of art!

    10. Go on a Picnic

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Picnics are a great way to spend some time together outdoors. They’re also a great way to save money on dinner!

    If you want to make things more romantic, pack a picnic basket with all of your partner’s favorite foods.

    11. Get Frozen Yogurt

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Who doesn’t love frozen yogurt? It’s a great way to cool off on a hot day, and it’s also a great way to bond with your partner.

    Plus, there are always tons of different flavors to choose from. So you’re guaranteed to find something that you both like.

    12. Go to an Amusement Park

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Amusement parks are a great way to spend the day together. They’re also a great way to get your adrenaline pumping.

    If you want to make things more exciting, try to go on all the roller coasters! Riding lots of roller coasters will give you a chance to scream and hold onto each other for dear life.

    13. Go Star Gazing

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    There’s something romantic about staring up at the stars together. It’s a great way to bond with your partner and appreciate the beauty of nature.

    Plus, it’s a great excuse to cuddle up close!

    14. Play Mad Libs

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Mad Libs are a great way to pass the time and have some laughs. They’re also a great way to bond with your partner.

    You can find Mad Libs books at most bookstores, or you can even make up your own.

    15. Have a Picnic on the Beach

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    If you live near the beach, then you’re in luck! Having a picnic on the beach is a great way to spend time together.

    And it’s even better when you can watch the sunset together.

    16. Browse Shops Downtown

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Browsing shops downtown is a great way to find unique gifts for your partner. It’s also a great way to bond with them!

    Plus, it’s always fun to window shop and see all of the different things out there.

    17. Karaoke Night

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Karaoke night is a great way to let loose and have some fun. It’s also a great way to bond with your partner.

    Plus, it’s always more fun to sing together than it is to sing along.

    18. Go Bowling

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Bowling is a great way to spend some time together. It’s also a great way to have some friendly competition.

    Plus, it’s always more fun when you can root for each other and cheer each other on.

    19. Have a Game Night

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Game nights are always more fun when you can play against each other and see who can come out on top.

    20. Go to an Art Festival

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Seeing different types of art can help you see a more sensitive side of your partner.

    30 Stars Who Look Nothing Like Their Characters

    Courtesy of Birdie Thompson/AdMedia

    We’ve all seen it before. An actor who looks nothing like their character on the big screen. We’ve all seen it before. It can be pretty jarring and often leaves us wondering how they even got the part in the first place. In this article, we will look at 30 actors who don’t look anything like their characters! Some of them are so different that you might not even recognize them!

    10 Surprising Movie Characters That Could Never Be Replaced With a New Actor

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Sometimes a show or movie is different with the actors playing the characters. Would we love their characters as much if they were played by someone else? See who people claim could never be replaced in their iconic roles with another.

    10 Terrible Movies People Love, But Admit Are Horrible

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Movies are subjective, and what one person considers a cinematic masterpiece, another may view as a cringe-worthy disaster. However, some films have gained a reputation for being particularly terrible yet still manage to capture the hearts of audiences. These are the guilty pleasure movies that people love to hate but can’t help but watch again and again.

    10 Terrible Movies People Sat Through Hoping They Would Get Better, But Never Did

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Have you ever watched a movie hoping it would get better, but it only got worse? It can be a disappointing and frustrating experience, especially if you were really excited to see the movie in the first place. Let’s see the movies that disappointed viewers and wonder why they didn’t just leave the theater or turn off the TV.

    10 Terrible Things That Automatically Ruin Good Movies

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Lights, camera, action! Movies are the ultimate adventure, taking us on a journey to fantastical lands, introducing us to characters out of this world, and stirring emotions within us. However, not all movies are created equal, and certain things can instantly ruin a movie for some viewers. Recently, in a platform discussion, people shared several things that can automatically ruin movies.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/unique-ideas-that-will-give-the-wow-factor-on-your-first-date/

  • 9 Movie Openings That Hooked People On the Film

    Looking for a good movie to watch? One of the keys to a great film is a captivating opening scene that hooks the audience and sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Recently on a platform, people have shared some movie openings that sold the entire film. From classic thrillers to animated comedies, these openings are sure to capture your attention and leave you eager to see what comes next.

    1. Halloween (1978)

    Photo Credit: Universal Pictures.

    According to one user, the opening sequence of the original 1978 version of Halloween sold the entire film. This sequence features a five-minute uncut point-of-view shot that immediately sets the tense and suspenseful tone for the rest of the movie. Additionally, when the killer’s mask is finally ripped off, viewers are shocked to see that it is an eight-year-old boy.

    2. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

    Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

    The observer astutely notes that the introduction of Raiders of the Lost Ark is a masterpiece in the art of storytelling. When Indiana Jones enters, his daring and charming persona immediately captures the audience’s attention. The temple scene, brimming with dangerous obstacles and boulders hurtling towards him, establishes the thrilling tone throughout the movie.

    Related: 10 Surprising Actors Who Instantly Ruin Movies

    3. Toy Story 2 (1999)

    Photo Credit: Pixar.

    In Toy Story 2, a witty commenter pointed out that the movie’s opening scene tricked everyone into thinking Buzz Lightyear was on a dangerous mission to infiltrate Emperor Zurg’s fortress. But as the scene unfolds, it turns out that it’s Rex, the lovable plastic dinosaur, playing a video game like a pro. This hilarious start to the movie showcases its playful and comical side and hints at the characters’ quest for self-discovery and their inner battles.

    4. The Godfather (1972)

    Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures.

    A different user contributes that the initial scene of The Godfather, featuring Bonasera pleading for justice from Don Corleone, expertly establishes the audience’s perception of the character. Viewers gain insight into Don Vito Corleone’s morals and beliefs with a single sequence.

    5. The Dark Knight (2008)

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    The opening scene of The Dark Knight will leave you breathless, as described by a user who couldn’t contain their excitement. The Joker and his posse pull off a bank heist with finesse and flair, all while donning their best clown masks. The adrenaline-fueled scene peaks with a nerve-wracking standoff between the Joker and his crime partner, keeping the viewers at the edge of their seats and setting the tone for the entire film.

    6. Pulp Fiction (1994)

    Photo Credit: Miramax.

    A movie buff admires the opening scene of Pulp Fiction, stating that it had a profound impact on them when they first saw it at the age of 14. The scene features a couple, Pumpkin and Honey Bunny, discussing their plans to rob a diner. The user was amazed by the dialogue, how the camera moved, and how the scene built tension and anticipation for the rest of the film.

    Related: 10 Surprising Movie Characters That Could Never Be Replaced With a New Actor

    7. Shrek (2001)

    Photo Credit: Dreamworks.

    A commenter claims how the opening scene of Shrek made them feel like they hit the jackpot! They were hooked from the start and loved how the movie flipped the script on the typical fairy tale world, adding a healthy dose of humor and wit. And to top it off, the opening montage set to “All-Star” by Smash Mouth was the cherry on top, bringing the energy level through the roof!

    8. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)

    Photo Credit: Marc Platt Productions.

    A comrade claims that the first sentence of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is the perfect catalyst for the movie’s chaotic and hilarious ride. With the line “Scott Pilgrim is dating a high schooler,” they were sold, laughing uncontrollably and confident that the rest of the film would be equally amusing.

    9. Terminator 2 (1991)

    Photo Credit: TriStar Pictures.

    Get ready to travel through time and get your adrenaline pumping! The last commenter raves about the opening scene of Terminator 2 as like a rollercoaster ride that takes you from rush hour traffic to a post-apocalyptic wasteland in a flash. Sarah’s voiceover sets the stage for the ultimate battle between man and machine, with metal monsters and tanks crushing bones like nobody’s business. Buckle up, folks, because it’s about to get intense!

    15 Women From the 90’s Everyone Had a Crush On

    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

    In the 1990s, actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Julia Roberts were some of the most popular women in the world. They starred in blockbuster films, graced the covers of magazines, and had legions of fans. While their careers have changed over the years, these women remain iconic figures from the 1990s. Here is a look at 15 women from the 90s that everyone had a crush on.

    10 Black and White Movies All Millennials Need to See Once

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Black and white movies may not be as popular as modern-day movies, but they are classics. Every connoisseur of cinema should watch them at least once. Recently, in a platform discussion, people have shared black and white movies that are a must-watch for any film enthusiast.

    10 Movie Death Scenes That You Must See, But Cannot Unsee

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Movies can transport us to new worlds, make us laugh, cry, or feel various emotions. Some movie scenes are so intense and memorable that they stick with us long after the credits roll. Recently in a discussion, people have shared death scenes from their favorite movies that are seared into their memories.

    10 Movies/TV Shows That Ruined the Entire Franchise

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Franchise owners and filmmakers work tirelessly to produce hit movies and television shows that keep fans engaged and coming back for more. But sometimes, a single misstep can cause a franchise to crash and burn. On a popular online forum, users discussed the movies and television episodes that killed franchises. Here are the top ten responses:

    10 Surprising Actors Who Instantly Ruin Movies

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    Actors and actresses can make or break a movie with their performances. While some are beloved by audiences and critics alike, others are criticized for their lackluster acting skills and ability to ruin an otherwise good film. Recently, in a discussion on a platform, people have shared actors and actresses who can instantly ruin movies with their performances.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: Reddit.

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/movie-openings-that-hooked-people-on-the-film/

  • 10 Biggest No-Nos Of Traveling in Europe

    Embarking on a European adventure is an exciting prospect filled with captivating sights and cultural wonders. However, even the most seasoned travelers can fall into common pitfalls that can hinder the overall experience. To ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey, it’s important to be aware of the things to avoid when traveling in Europe.

    1. Show Respect at Memorial Places

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    When visiting memorial places in Europe, showing respect by avoiding inappropriate behavior, such as taking selfies, is crucial. A seasoned traveler recommends researching local customs and traditions to ensure visitors do not offend anyone. While some cultures welcome small talk with strangers, others prefer a more reserved approach. So, it’s essential to know the dos and don’ts of each country to make the most out of the experience.

    2. Don’t Waste Money on International Service Plans

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    An experienced adventurer suggests that international phone plans from US service providers can be costly and unnecessary. Instead, they recommend buying a SIM card at the airport upon arrival. In Seville, Spain, they bought a SIM card for 12 Euros, which included a month of service and 9 GB of data. By doing so, travelers can save money and stay connected throughout their trip.

    3. Greet Before Speaking in France

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    To avoid being rude in France, exchanging greetings with locals before initiating a conversation is important. A well-traveled person advises learning basic greetings such as “bonjour” and responding accordingly. Only then can one proceed with asking for directions or assistance. This simple gesture can go a long way in building a positive interaction with the locals.

    4. Keep Kids in Check In Public Places

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    While traveling with children in Europe, it’s crucial to remember that good manners and respect for others are highly valued in many cultures. A globetrotter warns against allowing children to misbehave in public places, particularly restaurants. Parents should ensure that their children are well-behaved and respectful towards others, including using a quiet inside voice, not throwing things, and staying seated during meals.

    5. Plan Ahead for Meals in Paris

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    When dining in Paris, being aware of local customs is essential. A seasoned adventurer advises anticipating long waiting times and ordering before getting too hungry to avoid delays. They also suggest asking for city water instead of bottled water to save money. Additionally, diners should be prepared for restaurants to be slow to provide the check and ask for it when ready to leave.

    6. Don’t Exchange Cash, Use Cards Instead

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Step up your travel game with this advice from a seasoned globetrotter: skip the exchange services and use your debit or credit card to get the best exchange rates. According to this adventurer, ATMs are your friend, offering better rates and only a reasonable 3% fee charged by the bank. Refrain from getting duped by high fees and unfavorable exchange rates when you can make the most of your money.

    7. Don’t Be a Creep on Public Transportation

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    If you’re exploring Europe, being mindful of personal space is important. Remember to avoid sitting next to a stranger unless necessary, as it can be considered creepy. Also, try to avoid standing or walking too close to people if there is enough space. This is especially true in Finland, where people tend to spread horizontally at bus stops, maintaining a distance while still near the stop. So, respect others’ personal space and avoid making them uncomfortable.

    8. Speak Softly in Public Spaces

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    When traveling in European cities, speaking loudly in public spaces could be viewed as inappropriate. As a wise adventurer, someone advised that unless it’s absolutely necessary, avoid speaking loudly as it may lead others to perceive you as a “creep.” This tip is particularly important for first-time visitors who may need to become more familiar with the area’s customs. By being aware of these nuances, explorers can ensure they do not offend the locals or draw unwanted attention.

    9. Be Punctual in Finland

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    In Europe, punctuality is of utmost importance, especially in Finland. If someone says they will meet you at 2 PM, they mean 2 PM sharp. Finnish people are known for being punctual, and keeping them waiting is considered impolite. So, it’s crucial to plan ahead and ensure you arrive on time to avoid awkward situations.

    10. Avoid American Chain Restaurants While Traveling Abroad

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

    While traveling in Europe, sticking with familiar American chain restaurants is tempting. However, you must take advantage of a chance to experience something unique to the region. Instead, try small, locally-owned restaurants that are popular among the locals. Not only will the food be more authentic, but you’ll also get a chance to experience the local culture firsthand.

    Top 10 Biggest Tourist Traps To Avoid at All Costs

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    When it comes to traveling, every city has its charms and its traps. However, some cities are more known for their tourist traps than others. In a popular thread on a social media platform, travelers were asked which cities they believed to be the biggest tourist traps. Here are the top 10 cities that made the list.

    The 10 Most Beautiful Places in the United States You Must See

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    The United States is home to some of the world’s most stunning natural landscapes, from towering mountain ranges to breathtaking coastlines. When asked where the most beautiful place in the United States is, users on an AskReddit thread had no shortage of stunning locations to share. Here are ten of the most popular responses:

    Top 10 Travel Trailer Brands of 2023

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    When it comes to travel trailers, there are a lot of different brands on the market. This article will discuss 10 of the best travel trailer brands on the market today. We will describe the features of each brand and give our top pick for the best product. So whether you need space for two people or the whole family, we have you covered.

    States People Are Leaving (And Where They’re Going)

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    It’s no secret that people are moving around the United States a lot lately. Ever since the rapid increase in housing prices and the rapid decrease of employment since the pandemic, people have been searching for more affordable places to go.  So where are all these people going? Let’s take a look at some of the states that are losing the most people and where they are ending up.

    Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S.

    Photo Credit: Adobe Stock.

    Crime is at an all-time high in the United States, and people are fleeing the most dangerous cities in favor of safer places. Here are the top 10 most dangerous cities in the United States today.

    This article was produced and syndicated by Max My Money.

    Source: Reddit

    Source: https://maxmymoney.org/biggest-no-nos-of-traveling-in-europe/